Synonyms: Concealed, curtained, imagined, invisible, obscured, shrouded, undiscovered, unobserved, lurking, veiled. Antonyms: seen, visible, perceived, unveiled.
In this series of work I study our cultural processes of hiding/revealing that cause us either to gain value or diminish value by what we choose to show the world? What to conceal from it? Can we afford the scrutiny?
Some of the works (fully finished) are placed under drapes hardened by resin. Others are empty shells, like the walking-yet-frozen-in-place pants. There is laundry hanging on ladders, in bags. They refer to the title, simply enough: “Don’t Hang Out Your Dirty Laundry.” The idea is that we see what we want to see in others, be it good or bad. Often, though, we see only the bad; the dirty laundry. Conversely, we show what we want to reveal about ourselves and try to bag up (hide) our own dirty laundry.
Seen / Unseen Part I (sold)
Don't Hang out Your Dirty Laundry (sold)
Empty Pants( II and III are sold)
Veiled I (sold)
Veiled II (sold)
Unseen / Seen (sold)
Seen / Unseen part II
Unaware of Beauty
Getting to Know You (sold)
Risk (sold)
Unaware (sold)
Blind Aspirations
Observing Nothing (sold)