The View / 2014
For a year and a half I worked on this series entitled "The View". All the wall works are mixed media with photography, painting, raised wood constructions (windows and doors) embedded in clear resin. The sculptures are of a variety of medias including recycled de-covered/stained books, found objects, cast resin and wood constructions.
In this work I spin stories inspired by childhood memories of peering through windows and doors, where past feelings of peace, longing and solitude reoccur and the imagination creates it's own views.
Click on the following image to see individual works
Upstairs, 2014, 48" X 48", Mixed Media embedded in Resin on Panel (sold)
A Lingering Memory, 2014, 24" X 18", Mixed Media embedded in resin.
"Piece of the Sky", 2014, Triptych, each panel is 24" X 60", Mixed Media embedded in resin
"Sky and Birds" Installation, 2014 (Detail) Mixed Media Installation that is suspended from ceiling
"Sky with Birds", 2014 Sky is 24" X 24", Windows can be at variable lengths but shown here the installation is about 68" high, mixed media
"The Bird", 2014, 24 X 60, Mixed Media embedded in resin
"Virgin Land", 2014, Diptych each panel - 24 X 60, Mixed Media embedded in resin (sold)
"Writer's Block" 2014, 24" X 60", Mixed Media embedded in resin (sold)
"Looking Through Faberge" 2014, 12" X 10" x 2", Mixed Media embedded in Resin (sold)
"Home with Stories Filled with Holes" 2014, 69" X 10" X 10" (base 20" X 20"), Mixed Media (sold)
"So Many Stories in My Mind" 2014, 66" X 10" X 10" (base 20" X 20"), Mixed Media (sold)
"Home with Stories Filled with Holes" detail
"So Many Stories in My Mind" detail
"Waiting by The Window", 2014, 24" X 60", Mixed Media embedded in resin
"Waiting by The Window", 2014, 24" X 60", Mixed Media embedded in resin and
"Transparent Thoughts" 2014, 58.5" X 10" X 8.5" (including the pedestal), Mixed Media
"Transparent Thoughts" detail
"Transparent Thoughts" detail (Cast Resin with embedded objects in head)
Capturing a Memory, 2014, Mixed Media in Resin, 60" X 33"
No Strings Attached, 2014, Mixed Media in Resin, 60" X33" (sold)